ALR387 – The Real Story of Christmas

This week we present, following a few announcements, the annual tradition that is the real story of Christmas as told in Chapters 1 and 2 of the Gospel of St. Luke. Performed by the cast, families and friends of Armed Lutheran Radio.

Meet the Cast

Special Guest Appearances By

  • Aaron Isreal
  • Stacy Isreal
  • Hank Anstine
  • Lia Anstine
  • Kat Silvia
  • Rob Morse
  • Jennifer Roback-Morse
  • Jon Braaten
  • Reagan Bailey

Prayer of the Week

Lord God, gracious Father, who in the fullness of time sent Your Son to become man, assume our flesh, and become our Brother, we implore You to keep us in true knowledge of our Redeemer, by whose birth we are delivered from sin, death, Satan, and hell, that with all the holy angels we may rejoice at His Nativity and behold Him who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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Keep Shooting, Keep Praying, We'll Talk to you Next time!