
ALR254 – Why Do Churches Support Gun Control?

Turns out, the majority of American Christians may not actually be Christians. They like their religion with a strong dose of personal opinion, politics, and a heaping helping of heresy. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss the vexing question of why American Christian churches get involved in social justice issues like…

ALR252 – And End and a Beginning

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss the inauguration of Joe Biden and the ignominious end of the Trump administration, and how, as Christians, we should think about the days to come.

ALR250 – Our Favorite Things of 2020

2020 was a bag of flaming excrement for most people. Unless you were an elected politician, you may have dealt with job and/or income losses, lockdowns, travel restrictions, and social isolation. Lloyd, Pastor Bennett, and Sgt. Bill close out 2020 by looking for silver linings as we kick off our…

ALR249 – They Saw the Same Star Rising (Remix)

A Christmas message based on the account of author Henry Williamson of the Christmas Truce on the Ypres salient in 1914. That account, published in the London Daily Express in 1937, reminds us that even during that deadly and bitter conflict, we are all God’s children. Pray that we remember…

ALR248 – The Real Story of Christmas (Remix)

In this special Christmas tradition, the cast, family, and friends of Armed Lutheran Radio present a remastered version of The Real Story of Christmas which first aired back in episode 101. Featuring the vocal talents of Sgts. Bill and Kat Silvia, Pastor John Bennett, Aaron and Stacey Israel, Jon Braaten,…

ALR247 – Last Variety Show of 2020

This week is the final variety show of 2020 as we share a classic motivation from Mia about concealed carry under your winter clothing, Sgt. Bill talks backup guns, and Pastor Bennett pontificates about the annual BS we hear about the pagan origins of Christmas.

ALR246 – It’s a Florida Man Christmas

It’s the penultimate edition of Armed Lutheran Radio for 2020 and our final Clinging to God and Guns show as Lloyd and Pastor Bennett dig into some Christmas-themed “Florida Man” stories to see what moral and self-defense lessons we can learn from Snoop Claus, Melvin the Vampire Slayer, and Jolly…

ALR244 – The Great Disconnect, Part 2

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode, it’s part two of our discussion on the state of American culture and the move to find alternative media and news outlets. Today we share tech tips for keeping your private data safe when you’re online, plus recommendations for alternatives to…

ALR243 – The Great Disconnect, Part 1

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss the state of American culture in the age of media bias and censorship and the move to find alternative outlets. Be sure to tune in next week for part 2!

ALR242 – Tikka Rifles, Elections, and Developing Feel

On this week’s variety show we hear Mia’s rave reviews of the .270 Tikka T3x LITE Roughtech hunting rifle. Sgt. Bill shares tips for developing a feel for your handgun. And Pastor Bennett reflects on reactions to the outcome of the 2020 elections.

ALR241 – And the Winner is…Fear

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss the election results (such as they are) and look forward to what’s to come.

ALR240 – Biden, Bullpups, Bullets and BS

On this week’s variety show we hear Lloyd’s thoughts on the upcoming election, Mia talks about the utility of bullpup shotguns for home defense, Sgt. Bill has advice for training during yet another ammo shortage, and Pastor Bennett debunks a nonsensical article from our favorite heretic: Rev. John Piper.

ALR239 – Pious and Prudent Rulers

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode, Pastor Bennett is back from California and joins Lloyd to discuss the upcoming election and the last Presidential debate. We also turn to Martin Luther’s thoughts on pious and prudent rulers to respond to the notion that, as a Christian, we…