
ALR174 – Speed Mode, Mentors, and a Salute to Service

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio it’s another variety show posted from the McDonalds in Fredericktown, Missouri. Lloyd is on the road at the Illinois State IDPA Championship, Mia encourages you to become a mentor to a new shooter, Bill is talking about speed mode, and Pastor Bennett encourages us…

ALR173 – Preaching to Florida Man

Today Lloyd and Pastor Bennett play another round of “Crime and the 10 Commandments,” reviewing some interesting crime news for how the Ten Commandments apply and preaching to the troubled people involved. But this time we’re doing it with a twist, adding in that fabled scallywag, The Florida Man.

ALR172 – What’s Special about Father’s Day?

It’s the week before Father’s Day and we’re back after a couple of weeks away. Lloyd shares thoughts on the importance of fathers and why father’s day matters. Mia has gift ideas for your Dad and Sgt. Bill has tips for shooting transitions.

ALR171 – Police Week and Listener Questions

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio it’s another variety show. Mia answers a listener question about concealed carry for women, Pastor Bennett talks answers a question about carrying in the pulpit, and Sgt. Bill talks about his experiences in Washington DC during Police Week.

ALR168 – The Easter Bombings

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns show, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss the terrorist attacks on tourists and “Easter Worshippers” in Sri Lanka and offer a Biblical perspective on sin, evil, suffering and the failures of human government.

ALR167 – Ride-share, Holsters, and Holy Week

This week we celebrate Easter with a new variety show. We bring you thoughts on Easter from Pastor Bennett, commentary on suffering from Lloyd, a holster review from Sgt. Bill, and some important safety tips from Mia to remember when you use ride-sharing services like Lyft or Uber.

ALR166 – Tertullian and Christian Pacifism

Over The Years Pastor Bennett And I Have Rebutted Quite A Few Arguments Made By Anti-Gun Christians, Many Of Whom Point To The Words Of The Early Church Fathers To Conclude That, As Christians, We Should Not Own Guns For Self-Defense and Support Gun Control. Today we Begin A Series…

ALR164 – Fifth Sunday Special with Amanda Suffecool

In this first “Fifth Sunday Special” for 2019, we are joined by special guest Amanda Suffecool, co-host and producer of Eye On the Target Radio. We talk about how she got into firearms instruction and radio, the annual Preppers Ball and Firearms Appraisal Fair she puts on each year, and…

ALR163 – Stump the Pastor

This week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode we’re playing a new round of Gun Ban Theology, better known as “Stump the Pastor.” Lloyd reads three brief excerpts from gun-ban Christians who refer to Scripture to back up their arguments and Pastor Bennett gives us his reactions off the cuff.

ALR161 – More Crime and the 10 Commandments

In today’s episode we are playing more “Crime and the 10 Commandments.” Lloyd and Pastor Bennett look at a couple of interesting crime stories and discuss Castle Doctrine, forgiveness, and the Ten Commandments.

ALR160 – Ash Wednesday, Gun Safety, and Bad Laws

This week is another variety show with a training tip about gun safety from Sgt. Bill Silvia, Mia Anstine’s thoughts on the new, Draconian gun-control bills that have just passed the House of Representatives, and Pastor Bennett pontificates about Sin and the season of Lent which begins this week.

ALR159 – Doctrine of The Lesser Magistrates

The doctrine of the lesser magistrates declares that when the superior or higher civil authority makes an unjust/immoral law or decree, the lesser or lower ranking civil authority has both the right and duty to refuse obedience to that superior authority. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss how this 500-year-old doctrine…