
ALR157 – Praying the 10 Commandments

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode we’re talking about praying the 10 Commandments and how considering the Commandments when you’re making big decisions can help you avoid major mistakes.

ALR156 – Steel, Shotguns and the Sanctity of Life

It’s our variety show week and Sgt. Bill shares tips for shooting steel targets, Mia reports on some really cool shotguns she saw at the 2019 SHOT Show, and Pastor Bennett shares his thoughts on New York’s new infanticide law.

ALR155 – Gun Ban Theology

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode we’re doing a little Bible study called Gun Ban Theology. Lloyd reads anti-gun arguments from Christian authors and Pastor Bennett reacts, putting the verses used in proper context.

ALR153 – Crime and the 10 Commandments

In this week’s episode we are trying out a new idea for Clinging to God & Guns called “Crime and the 10 Commandments.” Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review crime stories and discuss the ways that the Ten Commandments apply.

ALR152 – Kicking off 2019

After a few weeks off, we launch our fourth year with today’s episode. Sgt. Bill has tips for preparing for a new shooting season, Mia talks tree-stands, and Pastor Bennett debuts his new segment, “Pastoral Pontifications,” debunking the anti-Christian myth that Christmas co-opted pagan holidays.

ALR151 – The Best of 2018

In this final show of the year we look back at some of the best moments from 2018 with segments from Sgt. Bill, Mia, Aaron Israel, and Pastor John Bennett.

ALR149 – The Best of 2017

In this weeks show we look back at some of the best moments from 2017 from Sgt. Bill, Mia, Aaron Israel, and Pastor John Bennett.

ALR148 – The Best of 2016

In this weeks show we look back at some of the best moments from 2016. We have a Ballistic Minute from episode 12, former contributor Aaron Israel from episode 47, Mia’s first segment from episode 29, and our interview with Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller from episode 17.

ALR147 – Christmas Gift List Episode

It’s that time of year again. Time for our annual Christmas gift list show. For 2016 and 2017 we shared the things we’d like to find under our trees, but this year we are giving you some gift ideas for the shooters in your life. Plus Lloyd and Mia and…

ALR146 – Rejecting the Cross

A “Reverend” in the United Methodist Church somehow connects the symbol of the cross to Trump and the hate-filled Nazi who a committed mass murder at the Tree of Life Synagogue. If you think it’s time to lay down the cross as a symbol of the church because of the…

ALR145 – Our Culture of Death

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin says we live in a culture that celebrates death and that contributes to mass shootings. The media laughed him off and missed his larger point. Lloyd discusses the culture we live in and changes we could make to deter or prevent mass shootings and ideas where…

ALR144 – Sojourners, Travellers, and Migrants

With a migrant caravan header for the southern border, voices on both sides of the immigration issue are misusing God’s Word to support their position. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett examine the subject of illegal immigration and how we, as Christians, should think about the subject. Plus Lloyd’s thoughts on the…

ALR143 – Reformation Gun Club Sampler

The Reformation Gun Club is a site for supporters of Armed Lutheran Radio. For $2 per month you get access to lots of exclusive content. This week we give you a sample of the great content available to members. Today we share excerpts from our exclusive hangouts with the cast:…