
ALR142 – The State of American Christianity

Lloyd and Mia are holding down the fort this week. Mia has a tip for how to react to an active shooter situation and Lloyd shares his thoughts on the upcoming election. And then, in Clinging to God & Guns, Lloyd is looking at a recent survey of what Americans…

ALR141 – Facing Persecution

We’ve talked about the Christian view of home defense in Episode 85, but now, with violence rising against those with conservative political and traditional religious beliefs, how should we think about suffering, persecution and self-defense? Lloyd and Pastor Bennett address the issue in today’s Clinging to God & Guns. Plus…

ALR140 – When Your Spouse Hates Guns

In this overdue episode we’re talking marriage and guns. What do you do when you want a gun for home or self-defense but your spouse says no? The Bible spells out the relationship between men and women. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss this relationship and how it affects your responsibility…

ALR139 – Living with Fear and Guns

Fear is a powerful emotion. Progressive Christians employ fear in two very contradictory ways to push their anti-gun agenda. We gun-owners should have no fear if we have faith and therefore we should not need a gun. And at the same time we should fear gun violence so much that…

ALR138 – Government and Gun Control Revisited

This week Lloyd and Pastor Bennett take up an email from a listener who wants us to revisit the question of what Christians owe the government and whether limiting the tools available for self-defense and defense of neighbor is a violation of God’s Law. Plus tips from Mia and Sgt….

ALR137 – Farewell to Aaron Israel

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we say “Farewell” to Aaron Israel as he hangs up his instructor hat to move on to other things. We look back at some of Aaron’s appearances on the show over the years, and you’ll hear Aaron’s final segment.

ALR136 – Brett Grayson of Tactical Pay Radio

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we introduce you to Brett Grayson, better known to his students as “Dr. G”, host of Tactical Pay Radio, another of the great podcasts on the Self Defense Radio Network. Mia has another tip for rifle shooting, Sgt. Bill reviews the Glock 34 MOS,…

ALR135 – Brian Duff of Mind4Survival

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we introduce you to Brian Duff, host of Mind4Survival, another of the great podcasts on the Self Defense Radio Network. Mia has another tip for rifle shooting, Sgt. Bill reviews an excellent piece of reloading gear, and Aaron returns with another self-defense tip.

ALR134 – Of Christians, Gun Control and Government

In this episode we bring you a feature-length edition of Clinging to God and Guns where Lloyd and Pastor Bennett consider what God’s Word says about government and what we, as Christians, owe the ruling authorities. Leftist gun-grabbers accuse us of loving guns more than God. So we center our…

ALR133 – Matt Disher of American Guns

This week Lloyd is joined by special guest Matt Disher, confessional Lutheran and host of the American Guns podcast to discuss his show, his experiences as a pro-gun public school teacher and his love for the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment. Mia shares more rifle shooting tips, we re-visit Aaron’s…

ALR132 – The NRA’s Theology

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review an article that claims the NRA’s claim that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun is theologically dangerous and morally repugnant…but offers absolutely no theology to counter the idea. Plus thoughts on 3D printed…

ALR131 – Danny & Cheryl Todd

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we are joined by the dynamic duo of Gun Freedom Radio. Danny & Cheryl Todd are business owners, gun store owners, parents, grandparents, podcasters, and Second Amendment advocates. They join Lloyd for the first time to talk about running a gun store, working with…

ALR130 – M is for Marcionism

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we learn about the word “Marcionism,” a 2nd Century gnostic heresy taught by Marcion of Sinope. Marcion suggested that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are different gods. One is violent and cruel, the other loving and…

ALR129 – Remso Martinez

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we interview Remso Martinez, the author of the new book Stay Away from the Libertarians, plus tips from Aaron, Sgt. Bill and Mia.

ALR128 – My Gun is Not a Barrier to the Gospel

Is Christian support for gun-rights a barrier to the Gospel for those outside the faith? Lloyd takes on an article from a snarky East Texas progressive who thinks so. Plus tips from Mia, Aaron, and Sgt. Bill.

ALR127 – Gun Confiscation is the Promised Land

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we are back to our usual format. Lloyd reviews an email from one of the organizers of the IP43 ballot initiative in Oregon which compares the confiscation of legally owned firearms to the conquest of the promised land, plus tips from Mia Anstine, Aaron…