
ALR121 – Teenagers, Tantrums, and Terrible Theology

This week Lloyd and Pastor Bennett look at an article from 2017 that Relevant Magazine dredged up and re-published in response to the Santa Fe school shooting. Aaron discusses the “evade, barricade, fight” philosophy. Sgt. Bill re-re-revisits the importance of grip. And Mia shares an interview from NRAAM where Brownell’s…

ALR120 – Scapegoating and School Shootings

In this week’s episode we talk about scapegoating and how not to do it, and Lloyd shares his thoughts on the Santa Fe (TX) school shooting and seven things we can to do make mass shootings less likely. Sgt. Bill shares a rant about the ridiculous prices for rusty CMP…

ALR119 – NRAAM 2018 Wrap-Up

Four of the Armed Lutheran Radio crew went to the 147th NRA Annual Meetings (NRAAM) in Dallas last week and today we share some interviews with the good folks at Lionheart Industries, Bergara Rifles, and SAR USA, plus a round-table discussion with Aaron and Sgt. Bill.

ALR118 – The Second Amendment and Idolatry

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd and Pastor Bennett look at a news story about a billboard campaign by the North Carolina Council of Churches which suggests you are idolizing your guns if you think owning guns for self-defense will keep you safe.

ALR117 – Never Call Police? What Could Go Wrong?

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd returns after surgery and joins Pastor Bennett to review a news story from a listener about a group of churches that are “divesting” from police services by pledging never to call police, even in cases of violent crime. Sgt. Bill has an after-action…

ALR116 – Since When Did Jesus Get Connected to Guns?

Pastor Bennett is our first-ever guest host as Lloyd recovers from surgery. Lloyd dissects an article which takes a critical look at how Jesus got connected to gun culture in America; Sgt. Bill shares his impressions of the new Gen 5 Glocks; Aaron has a self-defense tip about teaching to…

ALR115 – The Hippie Homily from Hell

Well, we did it. We found the worst sermon in the world. We thought we had found it back in Episode 88, but we were wrong. In this hideous homily, the “pastor” turns Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem into a protest march against the Roman Empire and it’s weapons of…

ALR114 – Roosting Chickens and School Shootings

Recovering from Holy Week and my daughter’s sleepover party, Armed Lutheran Radio is running short staff. Aaron Israel has a self-defense tip, Lloyd shares thoughts about a new movie coming in June and the hypocrisy of the anti-gun Left, and is again on his own in Clinging to God &…

ALR113 – Willful Ignorance and Irrational Fear

He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Happy Easter! In this week’s episode we talk about ignorance and fear and how it affects the current gun rights debate, we look at an article by a female pastor who decided to allow her irrational fear of guns and school shootings to…

ALR112 – Holy Week, Heretics, and Jesus in Your Head

It’s Holy week and Lloyd and Pastor Bennett are tackling a mean-spirited heretic who compares Scripture to the Jesus in his head and all he can see is evil, conservative, white, male, privilege and power. Plus tips from Aaron, Mia, and Sgt. Bill.

ALR111 – Not Enough God? Not Enough Guns?

In this week’s episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett take on a pro-gun article that tries to make the case that God doesn’t prevent school shootings because we don’t have prayer or guns in our schools. Plus some listener emails, and tips from Sgt. Bill, Mia, and Aaron.

ALR110 – In the World But Not Of the World

Back from a week of medical convalescence, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett are perplexed by an article from Patheos.com that tries to explain the Parkland shooting by delving into the idea of “mediated violence” and how as Christians we should be “in the world, but not of the world.” Plus tips…

ALR109 – Thoughts on the Parkland School Shooting

Lloyd shares two thoughts on how Psalm 146 and Ash Wednesday relate to the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Sgt. Bill shares lessons learned from a disqualification at his first sanctioned USPSA match. Mia shares a story of the dangers of being a good Samaritan. Aaron Israel shares some lessons…