
ALR91 – Understanding the Tragedy in Las Vegas

On this week’s show we talk about the motives behind the Las Vegas massacre. We read some listener emails, Aaron Israel has a safety tip about credit cards, and we interview Derek LeBlanc, founder and chief instructor of the Kids SAFE Foundation and talk about his unique and effective firearm…

ALR90 – Rick Ector: Man on Fire

Rick Ector was a family man. Good job. House on a corner lot. Didn’t drink. Didn’t party. Didn’t get into trouble. But one night trouble found him and changed his life forever. He describes himself as becoming a “man on fire,” soaking up knowledge about guns, gun rights, and gun…

ALR089 – Leaving the Muslim Brotherhood

At age 15 Hesham Shehab was handed a sniper rifle and joined the Muslim Brotherhood during the Lebanese Civil War. He later was part of a mortar team, shelling civilians in Christian neighborhoods. Through the intervention of the Holy Spirit and a chance meeting with a Lutheran Pastor in Beirut,…

ALR088 – The Worst Sermon in the World

In this special episode, Lloyd and Pr. Bennett stumble upon what may be the most reprehensible thing they have ever analyzed in the 88-week history of the show. With all the technical glitches we endured to put this show together, we thought jokingly that Jesus didn’t want us listening to…

ALR087 – Guns Seen Through the Lens of Genesis

Professor Christopher Hays goes back to Genesis to try to show how the descendants of Adam were able to peacefully coexist and resolve problems without violence and how gun owners today are part of a harmful subculture that has turned it’s back on God. Plus tips from Mia, Sgt. Bill…

ALR086 – Americans and Our Guns

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd is flying solo in Clinging to God & Guns with an anti-gun article from the Baptist General Convention of Texas that argues you can support the Second Amendment and still support banning dangerous guns. Bill shares his live fire routine, Aaron talks prioritizing…

ALR085 – A Christian View of Home-Defense

There’s a difference between what’s legal and what’s moral when it comes to defense of your home and family. Shoot first, ask questions later or defending property with lethal force are bad ideas both legally and morally. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss the moral issues surrounding home defense in Clinging…

ALR084 – I Always Wanted to Be a Cult Leader

This week we are talking about gun control, confiscation, and Biblical prophesy. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review a video by Doug at Fellowship of the Martyrs (not a cult) who says confiscation is inevitable so the government can fulfill the events foretold in the Book of Revelation. He says God…

ALR083 – Talking Wheel Guns with Grant Cunningham

Instructor, author, and revolver expert Grant Cunningham joins us to talk about revolvers and his latest book. Sgt. Bill is talking about pre-stage rituals, Aaron Israel cautions us to avoid protests, and Pastor Bennett talks about weighing the call to help our neighbors and our responsibility to protect ourselves and…

ALR082 – God Wants You to Have a Weapon

In this week’s episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett dissect a sermon from independent Baptist preacher Stephen Anderson who falsely uses passages like Luke 22 to suggest that God wants you to have a weapon and then proceeds to give his flock really bad advice on guns and self defense. Mia…

ALR081 – If James Bond was your Pastor

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd visits with economist and author Ray Keating to talk about his series of novels featuring an unlikely hero: a former CIA analyst who leaves the Agency to become a Lutheran Pastor and find his old life keeps crashing into his new one. Aaron…

ALR080 – When Jesus Disarmed Peter did He Disarm us All?

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd and Pastor Bennett look at an article by Rev. Rob Schenck’s interns which purports to speak for Jesus, claims there is no difference between murder and self-defense, and quotes a 2nd Century heretic to under-gird her arguments. Plus awesome tips from Mia and…

ALR079 – Tarheel Road Trip

After a week off, Armed Lutheran Radio is on the road for this week’s show. Recorded while on vacation in North Carolina, Lloyd talks about growing up around guns, his experience at the NC State IDPA Championship, and tips for how to run a church shooting club event. Plus tips…

ALR078 – The Armor of Light

In this special episode of Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett take on a sermon by Rev. Rob Schenck. The sermon is part of a series of presentations in support of Rev. Schenck’s collaborative documentary film “The Armor of Light” which follows Schenck’s road from conservative Evangelical Christian, to…

ALR077 – Safety On

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we’re talking about gun safety and taking new shooters to the range. We’ll meet Yehuda Remer, the author of the new kids book “Safety On: An introduction to the world of firearms for children.” Lloyd’s 7-year-old daughter shares her impressions of the book, plus…