ALR298 – The First Variety Show of 2022

In our first variety show of 2022, Lloyd comments on the largest civil rights march in history, Bill offers tips for keeping your skills up during the ongoing ammo and primer shortage, and Pastor Bennett shares a story about panic porn and unreasonable fear.

ALR297 – Everything is Stupid

We all hoped 2022 would be better than 2021, right? Unfortunately, everything in 2022 is stupid. From the economy to crime and immigration, terrorism, and (stupidest of all) COVID-19. You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

Clinging to God & Guns #293 – Extra Content

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss recent Supreme Court cases and what we see as portents for positive outcomes. Over 18 minutes of additional content not released with episode 293.

ALR295 – They Saw the Same Star Rising

A Christmas message based on the account of author Henry Williamson of the Christmas Truce on the Ypres salient in 1914. That account, published in the London Daily Express in 1937, reminds us that even during that deadly and bitter conflict, we are all God’s children. Pray that we remember…

ALR294 – The Real Story of Christmas

In this special Christmas tradition, the cast, family, and friends of Armed Lutheran Radio present a remastered version of The Real Story of Christmas which first aired back in episode 101. Featuring the vocal talents of Sgts. Bill and Kat Silvia, Pastor John Bennett, Aaron and Stacey Israel, Jon Braaten,…

ALR293 – Reasons for Optimism

It’s our final new show of 2021 and we’re closing it out with Clinging to God & Guns. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss some recent court cases that give us reason to be optimistic about the future of our flawed legal system.

ALR292 – The Final Variety Show of 2021

In this the penultimate episode of 2021, Lloyd comments on the advent season and reasons to rejoice in this world of sorrow and sadness, and Pastor John Bennett comments on happiness and despair during the Christmas season.

ALR291 – I Didn’t Pull the Trigger

Conservative and pro-gun voices were quick to jump on actor Alec Baldwin’s claim that he did not pull the trigger of the gun which killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. In today’s episode, Lloyd dissects the key points in Baldwin’s interview with ABC News, and shows why the critics are wrong, and…

Happy Hour #22 – Rittenhouse = AR-15

There’s only one reason that the Left is so determined to see Kyle Rittenhouse convicted. You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

ALR289 – It’s Not About Sensitive Places

On November 3, 2021, the Supreme Court heard arguments in New York Rifle & Pistol Association vs. Bruen — a case that could make “shall issue” the law of the land around the nation. In this episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review a hysterical amicus brief, filed by a group…

ALR288 – A Dish Best Served Cold

“An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth,” right? How should we, as Christians, view the ideas of vigilantism and revenge; even as our human nature desires to see bad guys get what’s coming to them? Lloyd and Pastor Bennett respond to the case of the father…

ALR287 – Happy Reformation Day

Happy Reformation Day! In this week’s variety show episode, Lloyd comments on the parallels between the Reformation and our current political divide, Mia talks about how to equip your daughters to defend themselves when our schools won’t, Sgt. Bill is taking friends and new shooters to the range, and Pastor…