Clinging to God & Guns #36
Do Christians have a right to self-defense
Do Christians have a right to self-defense
Don’t shoot! That home invader might be Jesus!
For too long
Is gun ownership Christian? Includes 12 extra minutes not previously released.
The 10 Commandments of the 2nd Amendment
God, Guns & Manhood
What’s wrong with God and Guns?
The theologies of abundance and scarcity
Was Jesus The Ultimate Liberal?
Thoughts on Constitutional Carry
What Would Jesus Say to the NRA?
Mother’s Day
A Peaceful Plethora Of Pizza, Pop, And Free Parking. Includes nine minutes of extra audio.
When Dark My Road. Discussing the moral issues surrounding suicide.
Basement Dwellers, Bongs, And Bad Theology
A Grown-Up Conversation About Guns