Ballistic Minute #75

Shooting prone ain’t fun. There are three basic ways to do it, and Sgt. Bill shares his thoughts on each technique.

ALR233 – The Kenosha Kid

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss the adventures of Kyle Rittenhouse and the shooting of three mostly peaceful protesters during the looting in Kenosha, Wisconsin following the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

ALR232 – Red Rider, Education, Competition, and Lionizing Losers

On this week’s variety show Mia reminisces about the Daisy Red Rider BB-gun, Sgt. Bill talks about how competition can benefit your concealed carry skills, Pastor Bennett discusses concerns for parents as your kids return to public school, and Lloyd shares his thoughts on how our propensity to make heroes…

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ALR231 – State of the Nation

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett answer some listener emails about the current state of affairs in the country.