ALR144 – Sojourners, Travellers, and Migrants

With a migrant caravan header for the southern border, voices on both sides of the immigration issue are misusing God’s Word to support their position. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett examine the subject of illegal immigration and how we, as Christians, should think about the subject. Plus Lloyd’s thoughts on the…

ALR143 – Reformation Gun Club Sampler

The Reformation Gun Club is a site for supporters of Armed Lutheran Radio. For $2 per month you get access to lots of exclusive content. This week we give you a sample of the great content available to members. Today we share excerpts from our exclusive hangouts with the cast:…

ALR142 – The State of American Christianity

Lloyd and Mia are holding down the fort this week. Mia has a tip for how to react to an active shooter situation and Lloyd shares his thoughts on the upcoming election. And then, in Clinging to God & Guns, Lloyd is looking at a recent survey of what Americans…

ALR141 – Facing Persecution

We’ve talked about the Christian view of home defense in Episode 85, but now, with violence rising against those with conservative political and traditional religious beliefs, how should we think about suffering, persecution and self-defense? Lloyd and Pastor Bennett address the issue in today’s Clinging to God & Guns. Plus…

ALR140 – When Your Spouse Hates Guns

In this overdue episode we’re talking marriage and guns. What do you do when you want a gun for home or self-defense but your spouse says no? The Bible spells out the relationship between men and women. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss this relationship and how it affects your responsibility…