ALR125 – Micah and the Methodists

In this special episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review the 2016 Resolution on Gun Violence from the United Methodist Church and it’s twisted interpretation of Micah 4:1-4.

ALR124 – Happy Father’s Day

Today on Armed Lutheran Radio we celebrate masculinity. Despite the lies of the Left, the guidance and leadership of fathers is important in the lives children. Today we celebrate that with tips from Mia, Bill and Pastor Bennett. Lloyd shares a funny story about shooting with his dad, and Aaron…

ALR123 – Not What The Bible Says About School Shootings

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd takes on a Youtube video which claims that the Bible tells us that when bad things like school shootings happen, God is punishing us for our sins. Plus a competitive shooting tip from Sgt. Bill and another interview from NRAAM from Mia.

ALR122 – Accountability, Creeps, and Listener Mail

We have an eclectic show for you this week. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett could not get together for Clinging to God & Guns so Lloyd riffs on accountability and Pastor answers some listener emails. Aaron has a self-defense tip about trusting your “creep alarm,” and Sgt. Bill is talking about…

ALR121 – Teenagers, Tantrums, and Terrible Theology

This week Lloyd and Pastor Bennett look at an article from 2017 that Relevant Magazine dredged up and re-published in response to the Santa Fe school shooting. Aaron discusses the “evade, barricade, fight” philosophy. Sgt. Bill re-re-revisits the importance of grip. And Mia shares an interview from NRAAM where Brownell’s…

ALR120 – Scapegoating and School Shootings

In this week’s episode we talk about scapegoating and how not to do it, and Lloyd shares his thoughts on the Santa Fe (TX) school shooting and seven things we can to do make mass shootings less likely. Sgt. Bill shares a rant about the ridiculous prices for rusty CMP…

ALR119 – NRAAM 2018 Wrap-Up

Four of the Armed Lutheran Radio crew went to the 147th NRA Annual Meetings (NRAAM) in Dallas last week and today we share some interviews with the good folks at Lionheart Industries, Bergara Rifles, and SAR USA, plus a round-table discussion with Aaron and Sgt. Bill.

ALR118 – The Second Amendment and Idolatry

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd and Pastor Bennett look at a news story about a billboard campaign by the North Carolina Council of Churches which suggests you are idolizing your guns if you think owning guns for self-defense will keep you safe.