ALR112 – Holy Week, Heretics, and Jesus in Your Head

It’s Holy week and Lloyd and Pastor Bennett are tackling a mean-spirited heretic who compares Scripture to the Jesus in his head and all he can see is evil, conservative, white, male, privilege and power. Plus tips from Aaron, Mia, and Sgt. Bill.

ALR111 – Not Enough God? Not Enough Guns?

In this week’s episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett take on a pro-gun article that tries to make the case that God doesn’t prevent school shootings because we don’t have prayer or guns in our schools. Plus some listener emails, and tips from Sgt. Bill, Mia, and Aaron.

ALR110 – In the World But Not Of the World

Back from a week of medical convalescence, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett are perplexed by an article from that tries to explain the Parkland shooting by delving into the idea of “mediated violence” and how as Christians we should be “in the world, but not of the world.” Plus tips…