ALR066 – Holy Week and Handguns

Two events in the final week of the life of Christ are most often used on either side of the gun debate. Jesus tells his disciples in the Upper Room to sell their cloaks and buy swords, and later tells Simon Peter that all who take up the sword will…

ALR065 – Saint Augustine Said What?

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd and Pastor Bennett dissect a sermon from 2012 by a Presbyterian pastor who based her sermon title on a bogus quote from Saint Augustine of Hippo and suggests that we are all sinners if we don’t vote for politicians who support gun control….

ALR064 – Lessons from a Good Samaritan

When we make the decision to carry a firearm or to purchase a firearm for home defense, there are a certain set of scenarios that we all envision and prepare for. How many of us prepare to intervene in a violent assault on a stranger? How many of us prepare…

ALR063 – The Theologies of Abundance and Scarcity

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd and Pastor Bennett fisk a video from the Faith and Firearms Project, an interview with an ELCA pastor who thinks people own guns because it’s the American thing to do and thinks that those who own guns ascribe to a “theology of scarcity.”…

ALR062 – By All Means, Save Some

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we take on the illogical ramblings of a late Methodist Bishop who is chanelling his inner Joe Biden by suggesting that passing meaningless “gun safety” laws will save some lives. Plus tips from Sgt. Bill and Mia Anstine, and a lesson from the Book…

ALR061 – If You Defend Yourself, The Lord will Not Protect You

Jesus protects his own. True followers of Christ do not need guns to defend themselves. So says a South African YouTuber finalcall07. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett dissect these claims and explain why Jesus never intended for you to lay down your life needlessly or to stand by and allow your…

ALR060 – Babble on the Bayou

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, on the eve of the Battle on the Bayou, the Louisiana State IDPA Championship, Team Armed Lutheran sat down to talk about the upcoming match. And so much more.

ALR059 – Bringing Guns to Church

On this week’s episode we go back to the mailbag to answer some listener feedback, Sgt. Bill talks about his first IDPA match under the new rulebook, Aaron shares some important lessons we can learn from a recent incident in Weatherford, Texas, and Mia has an important self-defense tip for…

ALR058 – Transgressors Carry Swords!

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we take a look at maybe the goofiest interpretation of Scripture to date. A California Quaker who suggests that Christ’s call for His disciples to buy swords in Luke 22 was so that he could fulfill the prophesy to be numbered with the lawless…

Mid-Week Meditation #13 – The Fouke Monster

Fouke, Arkansas is best known for the stories of the Fouke Monster, a bigfoot-like creature that locals claim attacks livestock and which inspired the 1972 movie The Legend of Boggy Creek. On February 2, a different kind of monster came to Fouke.You need to be logged in to view the…

ALR057 – Guns and Life

Liberal Christians like the Presbyterian Church want congress to pass more restrictive gun control because all life is precious and killing is antithetical to the will of God. But like Jesus’s call to take the log out of your eye before pointing out the speck in your neighbors, they fail…

ALR056 – What’s Wrong with God and Guns?

In this week’s episode we dissect an article from the Huffington Post by a philosophy professor who mixes a dash of bad theology and a heaping helping of awful logic to suggest that Christians should support more restrictive gun control. Plus tips from Mia, Sgt. Bill, and Aaron Israel.

ALR055 – God, Guns, and Manhood

On this week’s episode of Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett dissect an interview with Rev. John Piper about whether Christian men should own guns to protect their families. Plus another Ballistic Minute with Sgt. Bill, Mia’s Motivations, and a self-defense tip from Aaron Israel.

ALR054 – The 10 Commandments of the 2nd Amendment

On this week’s episode of Armed Lutheran Radio we look at a little blasphemy from our side of the Gun Rights debate. We dig into the mail bag and and answer some listener emails. Sgt. Bill shares lessons learned from a Rob Leatham pistol class. Aaron has advice for avoiding…

ALR053 – Talking Guns with Mrs. Armed Lutheran

In this week’s episode we’re talking women and guns with Mrs. Armed Lutheran. She shares her road from growing up with no guns in the house to threats from deranged patients, to becoming a gun gal in Texas. Plus tips from Sgt. Bill, Aaron Israel, and Mia Anstine.

ALR052 – Franciscan Friars Fretting About Firearms

In this week’s episode we’re back at full strength and ready to roll for our second season. Sgt. Bill has tips for how to make the best of the off-season, Aaron talks about the ramifications of making cosmetic modifications to your carry gun, Mia is talking cold weather concealed carry…