ALR367 – Guns, Politics, and Pandering

President Biden called for tougher gun control measures following a 4th of July holiday marred by violence. Lloyd looks at the sad political truth behind the cynical call for more gun control, as politicians continue to do nothing about the actual problem: criminals.

ALR366 – June 2023 Online Hangout

In this week’s episode we are hanging out with members of the Reformation Gun Club, including William Swenson, Stuart Burt, David Scott, Scott Van Dorsten, Rob Laird, Mike Johnson, and Steven Clifford.

ALR365 – The Duty to Defend

Weather derailed last week’s Online Hangout and delayed the show but Lloyd is back with a delayed episode about your duty as a parent to defend your family. From home invaders, muggers, drag queens, and really stupid decisions.

ALR364 – He’s Baaaack!

Lloyd is back! Recovered from the crud and commenting on the emotionally charged headlines of the day. Trump Derangement Syndrome, the horror of supermajorities, the excesses of the trans movement, crime and gun control.

ALR363 – Tisas 1911 Review, Technology, and Discipline

This week, Lloyd is still recovering so Brian is our guest host. We have a variety show with content from the cast. Mia is talking about technology (its shortcomings and ethics), Sgt. Bill has a review of the Tisas 1911 Tank Commander, and we have a new Pontification from Pastor…

ALR359 – A Special Kind of Stupid

This week Lloyd and Pastor Bennett are fisking the inane ramblings of an anti-gun pastor from Chattanooga, TN, and his flawed logic and even more flawed theology in the wake of the Covenant Christian Academy shooting.

ALR358 – Lessons from a Crazy Week

After a crazy week that caused us to cancel the show last Sunday, Lloyd details the events that led to the cancellation and shares some personal security lessons learned.

Clinging to God & Guns #132

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett fisk an article by the CEO of Sojourners written as a response to Wayne Lapierre’s “Good Guy with a Gun” speech after Newtown.

Clinging to God & Guns #127

Lloyd is flying solo and reviewing an email from Rabbi Micahel Cahana, one of the leaders of the Lift Every Voice Campaign to Ban Assault Rifles in Oregon. Rabbi Cahana uses a verse from Deuteronomy to encourage supporters after the failure of ballot…

ALR357 – Is Your Motivation Rational?

He is risen! He is risen, indeed! In today’s Easter Sunday episode, Lloyd follows up on last week’s commentary with a discussion of motivations. What motivates us to own and carry firearms? And, is that motivation based on reality or irrational fear?

Clinging to God & Guns #58

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we take a look at maybe the goofiest interpretation of Scripture to date. A California Quaker who suggests that Christ’s call for His disciples to buy swords in Luke 22 was so that he could fulfill the prophesy to be…

ALR356 – Not One, But Many

New polling shows Americans no longer value the things that used to hold us together as a nation — patriotism, hard work, family, religion. We no longer agree even on basic biological truths. Is it time to accept that we are no longer the “United” States?

Clinging to God & Guns #130

Pastor Bennett and Lloyd are looking at a smug Marcionite who hates the Biblical Story of the flood because our world is already too violent with all the school shootings so we don’t need stories about God being violent.