ALR355 – March Online Hangout

In this week’s episode we are hanging out with members of the Reformation Gun Club, including Dan Rushing, William Swenson, Donny and Peter Ross, Stuart Burt, Justin Hover, David Scott, Curtis Heidel, and Scott Van Dorsten.

ALR354 – Embrace the Suck

It’s a “Deep Thoughts with the Armed Lutheran” kind of episode as Lloyd shares life lessons from the range and the volleyball court.

ALR353 – Drag Queens of the Gun World

In this week’s episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review a 2014 video that resurfaced on Facebook this week. The video — presented as an example of tyrannical cops hassling a law-abiding gun owner — we find exactly the opposite. A guy who is supposed to be on our side, who…

ALR352 – Reflections on Lent

In this week’s show, as we kick off the season of Lent, Lloyd reflects on the Asbury revival and the “He Gets Us” ad campaign and we replay a classic Lenten Pontification from Pastor Bennett.

ALR351 – February Online Hangout

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett hang out with Reformation Gun Club members Dan Veldt, William Swenson, Rob Laird, Dan Rushing, David Scott, Justin Hover, Donnie Ross, and Edwin Fuhrmann to discuss adult beverages, the venerable 1911, gun raffles, aliens, Chinese spy balloons, and our coming AI overlords. (Video coming soon)

ALR350 – SHOT Show, Shooting A Match, and Appeasing the Culture

In this week’s variety show episode, Mia is back from SHOT show with info on her favorite rifles. Sgt. Bill shares his thoughts on getting back into the saddle as a competitive shooter if you have been off for a while. And Pastor Bennett discusses the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s…

ALR349 – The Fifth Commandment

In this, our first ever live Clinging to God & Guns show, Lloyd and the Padre discuss the recently released (and quickly recalled) annotated Large Catechism. Specifically, the articles related to the Fifth Commandment and self-defense. The release created an uproar in Lutheran social media, with accusations of “woke” language…

ALR348 – January 2023 Online Hangout

It’s our first Online Hangout of 2023. Lloyd is joined by Reformation Gun Club Members Mike Johnson, Dan Rushing, Justin Hover, Donny Ross, Curtis Heidel, William Swenson, Scott Van Dorsten, and Pastor Drew Newman.

ALR347 – Obedient to the Point of Death

In this our first Clinging to God & Guns episode of 2023, Lloyd and the Padre discuss Pastor Bennett’s article in the new book “Duty to Defend: Volume 2,” the context of Phillippians 2:6-8, the reason it is poorly applied in the gun debate, and a better example of Jesus…

An Interview with METALloyd

Okay, it’s not Metal Monday, but still…Kinda goofy, but this was fun. An interview Lloyd, Lloyd, Lloyd and Bryan from METALloyd. You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

ALR344 – December Online Hangout and Giveaway

In our final episode of 2022 we are hanging out with members of the Reformation Gun Club and giving away over $600 in prizes. Apologies for the audio issues with the guest audio. Lloyd is joined by his daughter to draw names and give away books, tee-shirts, travel tumblers, gift…

ALR343 – They Saw the Same Star Rising

A Christmas message based on the account of author Henry Williamson of the Christmas Truce on the Ypres salient in 1914. That account, published in the London Daily Express in 1937, reminds us that even during that deadly and bitter conflict, we are all God’s children. Pray that we remember…

ALR341 – Taking the Church Fathers Out of Context

Our newest book “Duty to Defend: Volume 2” addresses Bible verses that are used without context in the gun-rights debate. In response to the book’s announcement, Facebook user Jason decided to respond by taking quotes from the early church fathers out of context. Lloyd and the Padre discuss the early…