ALR340 – November Online Hangout

Lloyd and Sgt. Bill hang out with Reformation Gun Club members Scott Van Dorsten, Rev. Paul Cain, Stuart Burt, Dan Rushing, Curtis Heidel, William Swenson, Mike Soost, Dan Veldt, Donnie Ross, and Rev. Robert McCanless who talk about Thanksgiving, training, and guns.

ALR338 – The Red Wave that Wasn’t

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss the results of the 2022 mid-term elections. What went wrong? Is Florida the GOP blueprint? What effect did Trump have on the elections? Why did voters choose a brain-dead basement-dweller in Pennsylvania? What does the future hold?

ALR337 – The Nature of Evil

Crime is on the ballot in the 2022 mid-terms. The Left doesn’t know how to deal with it because they don’t understand the nature of evil. As proof, Lloyd points to recent media examples, including Amazon’s bastardization of the dark lord Sauron in the “Rings of Power.”

ALR336 – Ask The Armed Lutherans #5

This week Lloyd and the cast are answering a question about the most dangerous or reckless things we have seen on the range, and what lessons we learned from them.

ALR335 – October Online Hangout

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett hang out with Reformation Gun Club members Stuart Burt, William Swenson, Luke Otte, Donnie Ross, Justin Hover, and David Scott who talk about life, and the upcoming elections.

ALR333 – Rejecting the Social Gospel

In today’s commentary, Lloyd reviews an article from the Religion News Service which tries to explain why it is that attending church more regularly might lead you to reject the “social gospel.”

ALR332 – September Online Hangout

This week is our September 2022 Online Hangout with members of the Reformation Gun Club. This month Lloyd is joined by Pastor Bennett and Gun Club members William Swenson, Donny Ross, Daniel Freeman, Mike Soost, Guillaume Williams, David Scott, Justin Hover, Edwin Fuhrmann, and Dan Rushing to discuss life and…

Clinging to God & Guns #146

A “Reverend” in the United Methodist Church somehow connects the symbol of the cross to Trump and the hate-filled Nazi who a committed mass murder at the Tree of Life Synagogue. If you think it’s time to lay down the cross as a symbol of the church because of the…

ALR330 – Ten Commandments in the News

This week is a Reformation Gun Club exclusive episode. Lloyd responds to some criticism and then digs into some recent news stories and discusses some lessons we can learn and how the Ten Commandments apply to each of them.

ALR329 – Ask the Armed Lutherans #4

This week Lloyd and the cast are answering a question about the guns we carry and why. What factors and features did we consider in choosing our carry guns and gear?

ALR328 – August Online Hangout

This week is our August 2022 Online Hangout with members of the Reformation Gun Club. This month Lloyd is joined by Pastor Bennett and Gun Club members Dan Veldt, William Swenson, Curtis Heidel, Kalroy, Guillaume Williams, David Scott and our newest member Justin Hover to discuss life concealed carry guns…