ALR433 – Vengeance is Mine
In this week’s episode, Lloyd is back from a bout of the flu to discuss the idea of vengeance and what, if anything, the common man can do when government cannot or will not defend the weak and punish the wicked.
In this week’s episode, Lloyd is back from a bout of the flu to discuss the idea of vengeance and what, if anything, the common man can do when government cannot or will not defend the weak and punish the wicked.
In this week’s episode Lloyd discusses the current state of our nation in light of Romans 13:1. Are our governing authorities a terror to good works? And are we obligated to comply?
In this week’s variety show Mia answers questions about concealed carry for women, Pastor Bennett answers a question about love of neighbor, and Lloyd draws historical comparisons between Joe Biden’s definition of “unity” and that of King James I of England in 1604.
This week Lloyd and Pastor Bennett take up an email from a listener who wants us to revisit the question of what Christians owe the government and whether limiting the tools available for self-defense and defense of neighbor is a violation of God’s Law. Plus tips from Mia and Sgt….
In this episode we bring you a feature-length edition of Clinging to God and Guns where Lloyd and Pastor Bennett consider what God’s Word says about government and what we, as Christians, owe the ruling authorities. Leftist gun-grabbers accuse us of loving guns more than God. So we center our…