ALR435 – Trust in Chariots
This week we continue with our series covering chapters from my book “Duty to Defend.” In this episode we discuss a chapter by Rev. Tab Ottmers about Psalm 20:7 and placing our trust in things other than God.
This week we continue with our series covering chapters from my book “Duty to Defend.” In this episode we discuss a chapter by Rev. Tab Ottmers about Psalm 20:7 and placing our trust in things other than God.
This week we are beginning a new series covering chapters from my book “Duty to Defend.” In this episode we discuss a chapter by Rev. Bob McCanless about Exodus 22:2 and the thief in the night.
In this week’s early Thanksgiving episode, Lloyd takes a look at the case of an Ohio man who recently argued that 18 USC § 922(g)(5)(A) is unconstitutional because it denies the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment to aliens who are unlawfully in the United States. We’ll break…
In this week’s variety show episode, Mia, Sergeant Bill and Steve Clifford reflect on the outcome of the 2024 election and what it might mean for gun rights, for hunters, competitive shooters, and police.
Lloyd shares his thoughts on the attempted assassination of former-president Donald Trump and the irresponsible rhetoric that the corporate media has engaged in that most-likely prompted the attack.
This week Lloyd is adding to his thoughts on the situation in the Middle East with a discussion of why we should be supporting Israel during this crisis and how it relates to the God-given right to armed self-defense.
Today we are talking about a rather touchy subject that has many tongues wagging this week: abortion. Why do we mention it so much? And why does being pro-gun mean being Pro-Life?
In this week’s variety show we catch up with Mia’s latest adventures at the A Girl and A Gun event in Colorado, Sgt. Bill discusses how to choose the right firearm for your needs, and in a classic Pontification from episode 187, Pastor Bennett shares his thoughts on how to…
The week is our Clinging to God & Guns Show and we are talking about the recent rise in anti-semitism and how we should think and respond as both Christians and as supporters of the 2nd Amendment.
Is Christian support for gun-rights a barrier to the Gospel for those outside the faith? Lloyd takes on an article from a snarky East Texas progressive who thinks so. Plus tips from Mia, Aaron, and Sgt. Bill.
In March of 2018, progressive clergy held an interfaith press conference held at Augustana Lutheran Church in Portland, Oregon, led by Augustana’s pastor, Mark Knutsen. Knutsen describes Augustana as a holy place where “justice and peace kiss.” That press conference launched the the “Lift Every Voice” campaign to gather signatures…
This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd returns after surgery and joins Pastor Bennett to review a news story from a listener about a group of churches that are “divesting” from police services by pledging never to call police, even in cases of violent crime. Sgt. Bill has an after-action…
This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd responds to shares some thoughts from James 3:1 in response to the Alexandria shooting, responds to some listener feedback, reviews the Canik TP9SF Elite (pronouncing it correctly in the process) and takes on an arrogant, elitist PhD in Clinging to God and Guns….
Two events in the final week of the life of Christ are most often used on either side of the gun debate. Jesus tells his disciples in the Upper Room to sell their cloaks and buy swords, and later tells Simon Peter that all who take up the sword will…
This week’s episode of Armed Lutheran Radio is only our second round-table episode with our contributors. Sgt. Bill Silvia, Aaron Israel, and Mia Anstine join Lloyd to discuss the outcome of this year’s election, the reaction of the media and the protests, Trump’s policies in his first 100 days, and…
In this week’s episode, we take a critical look at a silly meme about the Oregon militia stand off, lessons from a Craigs List robbery gone wrong, and Pastor John Bennett joins us again for our Clinging to God and Guns segment as we debunk the notion that you can’t…